S. Anders Brandt

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Effects of dams and reservoir flushing

Brandt, S.A. (2005). Conceptualization of hydraulic and sedimentary processes in downstream reaches during flushing of reservoirs. In B-H. Jun, S-I. Lee, I.W. Seo, & G-W. Choi (Eds), XXXI International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research Congress, Water Engineering for the Future: Choices and Challenges. September 11–16, 2005, Seoul, Korea (pp. 2577–2588).

Brandt, S.A. (2000). A review of reservoir desiltation. International Journal of Sediment Research, 15(3), 321–342.

Brandt, S.A. (2000). Classification of geomorphological effects downstream of dams. Catena, 40(4), 375–401. doi:10.1016/S0341-8162(00)00093-X

Brandt, S.A. (2000). Prediction of downstream geomorphological changes after dam construction: a stream power approach. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 16(3), 343–367. doi:10.1080/713672510

Brandt, S.A., & Swenning, J. (1999). Sedimentological and geomorphological effects of reservoir flushing: the Cachí Reservoir, Costa Rica, 1996. Geografiska Annaler, 81A(3), 391–407. doi:10.1111/j.0435-3676.1999.00069.x

Brandt, S.A. (1998). Reservoir Desiltation by Means of Hydraulic Flushing: Sedimentological and Geomorphological Effects in Reservoirs and Downstream Reaches As Illustrated by the Cachí Reservoir and the Reventazón River, Costa Rica (Ph.D. thesis). Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. Published in 1999 in Geographica Hafniensia A8.

Brandt, S.A., Swenning, J., & Hasholt, B. (1998). Sedimentological effects of reservoir flushing, Cachí Reservoir, Costa Rica. Poster presented at HeadWater'98, Merano, Italy, 20–23 April.

Brandt, S.A., & Swenning, J. (1997). Downstream sedimentological effects of reservoir flushing, Cachí Reservoir, Costa Rica. Poster presented at Water Resources Assessment, 5th Scientific Assembly, IAHS, Rabat, Morocco, 23 April–3 May.

Brandt, A., Strömbäck, N., & Swenning, J. (1995). Downstream Sedimentological Effects of the 1993 Flushing of the Cachí Reservoir, Costa Rica (M.Sc. Thesis). Institute of Earth Science, Uppsala University, Uppsala.

River flood modeling and visualization

Lim, N.J., Brandt, S.A., & Seipel, S. (2024). Assessment of how uncertainty representation in flood maps can affect geographic-based decisions. Discover Water, 4, Article ID 120. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43832-024-00170-1

Lim, N.J., & Brandt, S.A. (2023). DEM resolution and roughness effect in relation to model performance. In J.G. Lyon & L. Lyon (Eds), Geospatial information handbook for water resources and watershed management, Volume II: Methods and modelling (pp. 181–211). Boca Raton: CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781003175025-9

Brandt, S.A., & Lim, N.J. (2022). Geodata, översvämningsmodellering och kompetens – Hur kan osäkerhet bidra till ökad resiliens? Kart & Bildteknik (Mapping and Image Science), 2022(2), 6–12. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A. (2022). Forskarkommentar: Okunskap får städer att svämma över. Forskning & Framsteg, 2022(2), 38–39. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A., Lim, N.J., Colding, J., & Barthel, S. (2021). Mapping flood risk uncertainty zones in support of urban resilience planning. Urban Planning, 6(3),258–271. doi:10.17645/up.v6i3.4073

Lim, N.J., & Brandt, S.A. (2019). Are feature agreement statistics alone sufficient to validate modelled flood extent quality? A study on three Swedish rivers using different digital elevation model resolutions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, Article ID 9816098, 16 p. doi:10.1155/2019/9816098

Lim, N.J., & Brandt, S.A. (2019). Flood map boundary sensitivity due to combined effects of DEM resolution and roughness in relation to model performance. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10(1), 1613–1647. doi:10.1080/19475705.2019.1604573

Brandt, S.A., & Lim, N.J. (2016). Visualising DEM-related flood-map uncertainties using a disparity-distance equation algorithm. In A.H. Schumann (Ed.), The spatial dimensions of water management – Redistribution of benefits and risks. Proceedings of IAHS, Vol. 373 (pp. 153–159). Göttingen: Copernicus. doi:10.5194/piahs-373-153-2016

Brandt, S.A. (2016). Modeling and visualizing uncertainties of flood boundary delineation: algorithm for slope and DEM resolution dependencies of 1D hydraulic models. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30(6), 1677–1690. doi:10.1007/s00477-016-1212-z

Lim, N.J., Brandt, S.A., & Seipel, S. (2016). Visualisation and evaluation of flood uncertainties based on ensemble modelling. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 30(2), 240–262. doi:10.1080/13658816.2015.1085539

Brandt, S.A. (2013). Detaljerad översvämningskartering över nedre Jädraån och Sandviken. Gävle: GeoVega. In Swedish.

Melin, S., & Brandt, S.A. (2012). Färnebofjärdens högvattentoppar – kan de kapas? Näsviken: Terra Firma. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A., & Lim, N.J. (2012). Importance of river bank and floodplain slopes on the accuracy of flood inundation mapping. In River Flow 2012: Volume 2. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, San José, Costa Rica, 5–7 September 2012 (pp. 1015–1020).  Leiden: CRC Press/Balkema.

Melin, S., Brandt, S.A., Tränk, L., & Rickberg, H. (2011). Översvämningsskyddsplan för Åvägenområdet i Forsby. Näsviken: Terra Firma. In Swedish.

Melin, S., Brandt, S.A., Tränk, L., & Rickberg, H. (2011). Översvämningsskyddsplan för Stigs gård. Näsviken: Terra Firma. In Swedish.

Melin, S., Brandt, S.A., Tränk, L., & Rickberg, H. (2011). Översvämningsskyddsplan för Forsbacka. Näsviken: Terra Firma. In Swedish.

Melin, S., & Brandt, S.A. (2010). Detaljerad översvämningskartering – Torshälla. Näsviken: Terra Firma. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A. (2009). Betydelse av höjdmodellers kvalitet vid endimensionell översvämningsmodellering (FoU-rapport Nr 35). Gävle: Högskolan i Gävle. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A., & Bergquist, A. (2009). Översvämningskarteringars tillförlitlighet. Kart & Bildteknik (Mapping and Image Science), 2009(4), 33–35. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A. (2009). Betydelse av höjdmodellers kvalitet vid översvämningsmodellering. ULI (Utvecklingsrådet för Landskapsinformation) aktuellt, 2009(1), 8–9. In Swedish.

Bergquist, A., Brandt, S.A., & Klang, D. (2008). Vad är optimal kvalitet på geografisk information som underlag för detaljerad översvämningskartering? Kart & Bildteknik (Mapping and Image Science), 2008(4), 18–20. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A. (2005). Resolution issues of elevation data during inundation modeling of river floods. In B-H. Jun, S-I. Lee, I.W. Seo, & G-W. Choi (Eds), XXXI International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research Congress, Water Engineering for the Future: Choices and Challenges. September 11–16, 2005, Seoul, Korea (pp. 3573–3581).

Brandt, S.A. (2005). Översvämningsmodellering i GIS: Betydelse av höjdmodellers upplösning applicerat på Eskilstunaån – ett delprojekt i KRIS-GIS® (FoU-rapport Nr 27). Gävle: Högskolan i Gävle. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A., & Jiang, B. (2004). 3D geovisualization as a communication and analysis tool in fluvial geomorphology. In S.A. Brandt (Ed.), Geoinformatics 2004: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics - Geospatial Information Research: Bridging the Pacific and Atlantic. University of Gävle, Sweden, 7–9 June 2004. Volume 1 (pp. 339–346). Gävle: Gävle University Press.

Spatial multicriteria decision analysis

Milutinović, G., Ahonen-Jonnarth, U., Seipel, S., & Brandt, S.A. (2019). The impact of interactive visualization on trade-off-based geospatial decision-making. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33(10), 2094–2123.doi:10.1080/13658816.2019.1613547

Myagmartseren, P., Buyandelger, M., & Brandt, S.A. (2017). Implications of a spatial multicriteria decision analysis for urban development in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, Article ID 2819795, 16 p. doi:10.1155/2017/2819795

Kordi, M., & Brandt, S.A. (2012). Effects of increasing fuzziness on analytic hierarchy process for spatial multicriteria decision analysis. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 36(1), 43–53. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2011.07.004

Brandt, S.A. (2006). AHP v. 2.0. Analytic hierarchy process software.

Teaching and education

Andersson, K., Angelstam, P., Brandt, S.A., Axelsson, R., & Bax, G. (2022). Limited GIS skills hamper spatial planning for green infrastructures in Sweden. Geografiska Notiser, 80(1), 16–35.

Schmidinger, H., & Brandt, S.A. (2015). Närområdesexkursioner och inre motivation för bättre lärande: en studie i svenska gymnasieskolan. Nordidactica, 2015(1), 22–46.

Schmidinger, H., Molin, L., & Brandt, S.A. (2014). Excursions in school past and present from Swedish and Anglo-Saxon perspectives. European Journal of Geography, 5(4), 87–101.

Harrie, L., Larsson, K., Tenenbaum, D., Horemuz, M., Ridefelt, H., Lysell, G., Brandt, S.A., Sahlin, E.A.U., Adelsköld, G., Högström, M., & Lagerstedt, J. (2014). Some strategic national initiatives for the Swedish education in the geodata field. In Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place. Proceedings of the AGILE'2014 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Castellón, June, 3–6, 2014, AGILE, 2014.

Brandt, S.A. (2009). Rapport från Utbildningssektionens årliga utbildningskonferens. Kart & Bildteknik (Mapping and Image Science), 2009(3), 18–21. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A. (2008). Svensk kartografiutbildning i ett historiskt perspektiv. In M. Halling (Ed.), Kartan i våra hjärtan. Kartografiska Sällskapet 100 år 2008 (pp. 305–318). Gävle: Kartografiska Sällskapet. In Swedish

Brandt, S.A., & Mårtensson, S-G. (2008). Utbildning inom kart- och mätningsteknik. In Sveriges kartläggning, tillägg 1998–2007 (pp. 208–213). Gävle: Kartografiska Sällskapet. In Swedish

Brandt, S.A. (2008). Utbildning och kompetensutveckling inom lantmäteri, kartografi, GIS och mätningsteknik. Atlas: Geografi och kartor — igår — idag — imorgon (Samproduktion av Kartografiska Sällskapet, ULI, SKMF, KIF och SLF under Kartans år 2008), 2008(1), 34. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A., & Arnberg, W. (2007). A harmonized GIS course curriculum for Swedish universities. In EUC'07 HERODOT Proceedings, ESRI European User Conference 2007, Stockholm, Sweden, 25–27 September 2007.

Brandt, S.A. (2006). The University Exchange Programme and the Master's Programme for ALAGaC Employees. Report No. MN 3-14 in the project Capacity Building in Human Resource Development to Strengthen the Land Administration Sector of Mongolia, September 2006. Gävle: Swedesurvey.

Brandt, S.A., Karlsson, J.M., & Ollert-Hallqvist, P. (2006). Harmonization of GI educations in Sweden and the Bologna process - viewpoints of University of Gävle. In Proceedings of the Fifth European GIS Education Seminar (EUGISES 2006), September 7–10, 2006, Cracow-Pieniny Poland.

Larsson, A., & Brandt, S.A. (2006). Praktik - en praktisk lösning. ULI (Utvecklingsrådet för Landskapsinformation) aktuellt, 2006(2), 3–4. In Swedish.

Brandt, S.A., & Larsson, A. (2006). Kartografiska Sällskapets utbildningssektion - ett nytt tillskott i KS-familjen. Kart & Bildteknik (Mapping and Image Science), 21(2), 10–11. In Swedish.

Mårtensson, S-G., & Brandt, S.A. (2005). University Exchange Programme and Master's Programme for ALAGaC Employees. Report No. MN 3-4 in the project Capacity Building in Human Resource Development in Order to Strengthen the Land Administration Sector of Mongolia, Mongolia 18–27 November 2005.  Gävle: Swedesurvey.

Brandt, S.A. (2004). Föreläsningar - övningar - eller? En jämförande studie av undervisningsmetoder inom gevärsskytte och geografiska informationssystem. In Kunskap & lärande i den högre utbildningen - lärarreflektioner från praktiken (Pedagogiska rådets skriftserie vol. 1) (pp. 19–38). Gävle: Högskolan i Gävle. In Swedish.


Ma, L., Brandt, S.A., Seipel, S., & Ma, D. (2025). Evaluating neighbourhood roads through agent-based modelling: A step towards the optimal pedestrian desire path system. Expert Systems with Applications, 266, Article ID 125782. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2024.125782

Samuelsson, K., Brandt, S.A., Barthel, S., Linder, N., Lim, N.J., Hallman, D.M., & Giusti, M. (2024). Diverse experiences by active travel for carbon neutrality: A longitudinal study of residential context, daily travel and experience types. Geography and Sustainability, 5(3), 459–469. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geosus.2024.05.002

Ma, L., Brandt, S.A., Seipel, S., & Ma, D. (2024). Simple agents – complex emergent path systems: Agent-based modelling of pedestrian movement. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 51(2), 479–495. doi:10.1177/23998083231184884

Gullberg, Y., Samuelsson, K., & Brandt, S.A. (2023). Key perceptions associated with attitudes towards water reuse in a Swedish town. Water Reuse, 13(4), 507–524. https://doi.org/10.2166/wrd.2023.010

Ma, L., Seipel, S., Brandt, S.A., & Ma, D. (2022). A new graph-based fractality index to characterize complexity of urban form ISPRS International Journal of Geo-information, 11(5), 287, 20 p. doi:10.3390/10.3390/ijgi11050287

Samuelsson, K., Chen, T-H.K., Antonsen, S., Brandt, S.A., Sabel, C., & Barthel, S. (2021). Residential environments across Denmark have become both denser and greener over 20 years. Environmental Research Letters, 16(1), Article ID 014022, 11 p. doi:1088/1748-9326/abcf7a

Samuelsson, K., Giusti, M., Peterson., G.D., Legeby, A., Brandt, S.A., & Barthel, S. (2018). Impact of environment on people’s everyday experiences in Stockholm. Landscape and Urban Planning, 171, 7–17. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.11.009

Jiang, B., & Brandt, S.A. (2016). A fractal perspective on scale in geography. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-information, 5(6), 95, 12 p. doi:10.3390/ijgi5060095

Brandt, S.A. (Ed.) (2004). Geoinformatics 2004: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics - Geospatial Information Research: Bridging the Pacific and Atlantic. University of Gävle, Sweden, 7–9 June 2004. 2 Volumes + CD. Gävle: Gävle University Press.

Brandt, S.A. (2002). Geologiske Forhold - Kort Fortalt: Haderslev Statsskovdistrikt (I. Tekstdel + II. Kortdel). Copenhagen: Driftsplankontoret, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. In Danish.

Brandt, S.A. (2001). Geologiske Forhold - Kort Fortalt: Aabenraa Statsskovdistrikt (I. Tekstdel + II. Kortdel). Copenhagen: Driftsplankontoret, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. In Danish.

Brandt, S.A. (2001). Geologiske Forhold - Kort Fortalt: Gråsten Statsskovdistrikt (I. Tekstdel + II. Kortdel). Copenhagen: Driftsplankontoret, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen. In Danish.